10:05 AM
1. Content is King as they say and it is paramount that you post quality content for your readers that will keep them coming back for more as you don't only want readers to come to your site and just leave. If your site is informative and written with good grammer and spelling then you will gain popularity and ranking on the Internet. Use catchy titles with one or two juicy keywords and also some keywords in the content so that you can get good searches from people searching the Net. Use keyword tools to find the best keywords for your posts.
2. Update your blog regularly so that your readers who do start trickling in have the urge to continue reading your posts. Updating your blog minimum twice a week is considered o.k but if you update more regularly then it is even better for everyone all round.
3. Start social bookmarking your blog and get it noticed in pinging sites like Pingo-matic and Technorati as these are places where bloggers can get extra traffic from other bloggers. It is essential to do this in order to get the traffic you deserve.
4. Start indexing your blog in search engines so that your posts are crawled by the search engine spiders and more and more people searching keywords on the Net will be able to see your blog.
5. Start submitting your site to blog directories so that you get more backlinks to your site which means again a higher ranking for your blog and also a heavier chance that it may be seen by others.
6. Comment on other people's blogs who are in the same niche as you but don't spam them with just 'nice blog' or 'nice post' as these comments don't have any weight.Try to engage with your fellow bloggers by leaving quality comments as that will inspire them to autonatically visit your site where the comments link back to.
7. Place your Blog Url in forums and in your email signatures as this can bring extra and free traffic to your site.