4:13 AM
Definition of Dynamic Pages :
Dynamic pages are the pages generated "on-the-fly" from a database. It is also known as database-driven pages. PHP, Perl, ASP, etc are using to generate dynamic pages.
It is difficult for the search engines to read the dynamic pages. It is generated when user select variable. It is not possible for search engines to select those variables and this reason these pages cannot indexed.
Dynamic URL's contains strings like &, %, ? and due to these characters problems starts for the search crawlers to read the content. But it is possible to index the dynamic pages also.
Here, I am writing the way through which a dynamic page can be readable by the crawlers :
a) Place links of the dynamic pages on static pages. Further it can be submitted in search engines manually. Most of the
dynamic pages will indexed by the search engine by this way.
b) Coldfusion and other softwares are available which can replace special characters like ?, %, & with alternative text.
c) Using help of CGI/Perl, we can convert query string in the url with suitable text. Path_Info and Script_Name are
environment variables which contains complete URL including strings in dynamic pages.
d) Web hosting company also provides module with Apache software that can convert dynamic URL into urls that can be indexed
by search engines. The mod_rewrite available for Apache that converts requested url into search engine friendly urls.
2 Responses to "How to Optimize Dynamic Website or Pages?"
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10:44 PM
