8:23 AM
Not only is good quality content important to our site but also if our site is Search Engine Optimized or SEO friendly so that it increases in SERPS and also through this receives more organic traffic from the Search Engines.
There are specialists in the field of SEO that can help to make your site more 'loveable' by the Search Engines. This site is a website valuation site and the report it creates for each site (example) provides a lot of useful info for SEOs. Armed with this type of knowledge you can be guaranteed a surge of popularity for your site as well as more permanent traffic which can lead to more business sales as well as higher rankings.
From knowing what the Alexa rankings are to how old the site actually is can really give you the leverage you need to determine what is right for you. You can also get the confidence report levels as to the price a site can be easily sold at which will really help evaluate the site to an accurate level and give you peace of mind.
Whatever line of work you are in having and above all maintaining a good and sturdy online presence is what will help to distinguish you from the crowd and give you the edge over your competitors. Also if you are interested in buying or selling a site, knowing where the site of interest fairs online is very useful in determining its value and worth in which case you can then estimate the site's value and then either put in a bid if you think you are getting a good offer or in another case scenario know what price you can set your site at which will be both fair and reasonable to other online bidders who may take an interest in buying your site. Either way having a good online website valuation tool and knowing that the sources are both exact and reliable can boost confidence in what you wish to achieve through your online presence and in the SEO Arena at large.