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Useful Tips to Increase Alexa Ranking

Alexa ranking is one of the major ranking system provided by amazon.com. It only measured the amount of visitors if user visited a website with alexa toolbar installed.

Here is the definition of Alexa Traffic Rank provided by Alexa :

"The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for
all sites on the Web on a daily basis."

It is also important for the webmasters, advertisers and ad networks to increase the alexa ranking. It will help to a ad network or advertiser to get good rate for advertising a banner or text-link and also increase the bargaining power.

Some useful tips to increase your Alexa Rank :

1) Encourage your friends and others like blog readers, webmasters and visitors to use alexa toolbar. Add link to the page of alexa that explains about alexa ranking and dowload instructions.
2) Install alexa toolbar and make your website as default home page for all browsers in your office and on your pc. It will be useful if work on dynamic IP addresses.
3) Write about Alexa and its importance in your blog or article section in your website.
4) Write on very important topic like domain or SEO related to webmasters.
5) Post your article to social book marking websites.
6) Join community forum and be the part of webmaster topic and add your website in your signature.
7) Use digg, myspace and stumbleupon to increase more traffic to your website. Content should be attractive.
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