1:26 AM
This file inform crawler when the pages was last modified, and how it is important by priority. There are many free tools available where you can create sitemap in xml format. One of the most popular is http://www.xml-sitemaps.com. Further you can validate it using xml validator.
Some hosting companies provide this utilitiy to create xml sitemap. Must check this utility in web control panel and create sitemap. Upload the xml file in the root folder. Its path should be http://www.mywebsite.com/sitemapfilename.xml. Also add one line in the robots.txt. MSN will crawl site map directly from here :
User-agent: *
Sitemap: http://www.mywebsite.com/sitemapfilename.xml
Disallow: /abc/ (abc is the directory name that will not crawl by search engine.)
You can submit your site in yahoo from here http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/. Yahoo provides further instructions how to include sitemap and other help. It will tell you to add html file that contains authentication key inside the file. Follow the instruction, upload the file and it will be verified within 24 hrs. You must have yahoo id to add site map. Same time include xml sitemap by clicking on the managing button.
For google, go to here http://www.google.com/webmasters/. Login and verify your ownership first. Read the further instruction and then add the xml sitemap file.
Directly submit your website here :
http://api.moreover.com/ping?u=(Sitemap URL)
http://submissions.ask.com/ping?sitemap=(Sitemap URL)
1 Response to "How to Submit XML Sitemap"
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5:55 AM