12:39 AM
- If you have a domain and want to install wordpress blog, don't put your blog at the root of your domain. Rename the directory with "blog" instead of "wordpress".
- Always use dashes or hyphens in the url. These are best. You can also use underscore in the url. Spaces and no spaces are useless.
- Put target keyword in the title tag and the heading of blog post.
- Include the main keyword in the first paragraph in every post.
- Use alt tags on images. Its good seo strategy.
- Install title and meta description plugins. And make all the titles unique with the help of title plugin. These worpdress plugins are available free.
- Always ping your blog in google and other autoping resources when updated.
- When changing your host, use a permanent redirect (301).
- Check your blog in all the popular web browers and cell phone.
- Verify your blog using google webmaster tool and submit xml sitemap in all the three major search engines like google, yahoo and msn.
- Don't mix non-www with www.
- If you are earning from google adsense, use section targeting. Google will display relevant ads on your blog.