10:29 PM
Just visit this page http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2004/01/07/how-to-write-a-press-release
How to Get in Google News
Some of the important points helps your news website to get in Google News :
a) Inform Google about your news website. Click Here for Suggestion.
b) Your website should be google-friendly. Read the general google guidelines or just click here to read the general guidelines for Google-friendly Websites.
c) Google news crawler is not able to crawl image links, links embedded in JavaScript, multimedia files and pdf files. Use regular HTML text links to link the pages. It only and only read text articles.
d) Link the articles of each pages to the main news page. Suppose the article written on the topic "science and technology" then you must add link of that article to the index page of science and technology if available else on the index page of your news website.
e) Submit a news sitemap to google news using Google Webmaster Tools and it should be in XML version. In the Google Webmaster Tools dashboard add Google News Sitemap option. Also include the publication date when the article added on your website. Remove the link of more than 3 days old articles from the sitemap.
f) Do not add multiple article on a single article page. The URL of each article must be unique and contains atleast 3 digits like this http://www.mynewswebsite.com/news/article356.html. The crawler will also crawl the article that resembles a year like this http://www.mynewswebsite.com/news/article2009.html
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4:16 AM