9:49 PM
Writing blog is not a difficult if you are a good writer. But you have to decide first which topic is best for you and in which field you are expert and can write easily and share your thoughts. Content should not be duplicate else your blog writing for search engine optimization is useless. Second point is you must update the blog frequently. Post 4-5 times in a month atleast. If you want to link your website with the blog then you must post the articles related to the theme of your website. It should be easy for the visitors to read. You have also the knowledge of HTML basic because if you want to link the website with blog or want to add any picture, google search box or the link of blog directory for link exchange HTML is must. There are lots of blog directories and search engines on web. Also submit your blog to the blog search engines to get traffic on your blog. I will write the name of free blog directories and blog search engines soon.
Popular Blog Directories where blog can be submitted for approval :