1:36 AM
I already mentioned about the cause of supplemental result and it also decreases visitors. Whole world knows google search engine and they are prefering google for search. It provides quality search to the visitors. So at present we should work optimize or promote our website according to the google search engine. I want to write few steps helpful to remove a page from supplemental index :
a) Strictly follow the guidelines of google.
b) Use a right word to target the page.
c) Avoid query string on the page if possible.
d) Keep file name short and relevant to the content of the page.
e) Make a site map for the website and add it on the index page.
f) Remove useless comments or tags if any from the source of the page.
g) Write relevant meta description for the page and use very few commas not more than 3-4, avoid keyword stuffing.
h) If your website uses duplicate contents, change it.
i) Increase the backward link of your website and the inside pages. In this case link exchange is very helpful.
j) Donot use any affilate links on the pages of website.
k) Check dead link or bad link on your page. Use the URL for it : http://validator.w3.org/checklink/
Google will take about 1-2 months time to remove the pages from supplemental result. But I am not sure about it. It will take more time also.